Forgiveness heals not just the person being forgiven but also the one who forgives, as they extricate themselves from the bonds of the past. A release from these past ties, enables one to experience a different version of themselves; a more healed, evolved version. The act of apologizing has the same effect when it is done sincerely, from the heart.
There isn't a hierarchy between those who have been hurt and those who hurt somebody. There is no need for a comparison for establishing who is a better person. When we hurt someone voluntarily or involuntarily, it means that we are stuck somewhere from a soul point of view and are in need of more light. When we forgive someone, we are again, untying a knot for our souls, easing its path forward.
Holding onto grudge makes you miserable. It brings out a side that is not who you are, a side, so monstrous that you would've never imagined seeing yourself like that. Grudge drags us away from our goodness. Grudge does nobody any good, it festers like a wound and without the medication of forgiveness, it would turn into a more severe case than it already is.
To conclude, Let us forgive and apologize, as both the acts heal and help us recover and grow.