The entire world might disregard you and your existence, but you ought to believe in yourself and love yourself. It is a duty, in fact, to love oneself. It took me years to understand that love was not about feelings felt at a particular moment, but it is many things. It is a recurrent decision to be made and to stick with that decision every single moment. A decision to love yourself through difficult times. It is to wash yourself after being soaked in a muddy puddle or to never let yourself be pushed into one in the first place. The muddy puddle could represent the insults thrown at you by the world. Self-love is in directing your way out of the puddled area and concentrating your energy on what ought to be done in order to create an atmosphere of peace and happiness for yourself.
It is no one else's responsibility to love you, care for you, understand your weaknesses, and give you personalized responses based on your mental state. Everyone is in the same place as you when it comes to loving their own selves. Everyone feels deficient of love and attention, or they might have at some point in life, and understood it is either themselves who have to give them the love or nobody else.
To be understood is a basic yearning in every one of us. When this yearning is fulfilled by the self, then there is no need to seek this outside in the form of validation and acceptance. Love is the act of nurturing what is good for the soul, mentally and physically. It is the act of feeding the soul.
There are two kinds of people in this world: one who sees the flaws in you, highlights them, and labels you with them, and the other who sees the gem inside of you, your immense limitless potential, and accepts you unconditionally. The first kind has a very limited view of who you are and could be, and the second kind has an expanded view. The second kind is to be cherished; they are an added bonus nevertheless. The lack of a second kind in your life is no excuse for you to hate yourself or to treat yourself more unfairly than the world ever could. These second kinds teach you how to love yourself, how to nurture positive emotions because they cause them in you showering you with love. Although they can keep giving, you ought not to depend on them like you depend on a store for supplies. They can never replace you. At the end of the day, it is your love that your soul needs. Love in the form of unconditional self-acceptance and self-validation.
Self-love is also in acknowledging one's weaknesses, realizing that they are temporary, and in pushing yourself to work towards your betterment without degrading or underestimating yourself in the process. Before I wrap up this blog, I implore you to practice self-love, believe in yourself and spread love because the world is in dire need of it.
PS: Writing this particular post had a healing effect on my soul. I thank Professor, Dr. Samuel Rufus, for motivating me and helping me experience this.